registered dietitian-nutritionist

Partnering with you to 

feel well, and sustain a lifestyle that can protect against disease.

 take control of your health, 

What I offer:

Individualized nutritional counseling and education that empowers you to confidently care for yourself. 

Hi! I’m Jennifer Raines-Felten, and I know what you might be thinking — here’s someone else who’s going to judge me and tell me I'm doing everything wrong.

And I don’t blame you. A lot of my clients come to me nervous about having to make radical changes, give up everything they love, and suffer through a lecture on health.

But that’s not how I do things.
Believe me, I’m not here to judge you.

I start with compassionate support. Then, together, we figure out what’s going to work best for you. This is a collaboration where we create sustainable change.

Learn more about my background and approach

I offer individualized consultations to people facing health challenges that are open and willing to explore nutrition as a treatment.

Although my main focus is sugar imbalances (type 1, type 2, gestational diabetes, and pre-diabetes management) my strong clinical background has prepared me to work with a variety of conditions.

Work with me:

Learn how we can work together